Today was Halloween and I had lots of fun. Here I am with my cousins & some of their friends. I really enjoyed helping Mommy pass out candy. I was getting good at it.
With all the exciting news yesterday I forgot to share other pictures. Yesterday I turned 22 months and was our halloween party at day care. Here is a pic of me and daddy : Then we had snacks (the best part)
and the schnazzy picture.
By the way for you old folks. I am super slueth Tigger and another mystery is history.
We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday. I really liked the slide. Didn't like the HAY! Was curious about the tractors... but LOVED the cake! Happy Birthday Grandma!
This week I am getting lots of pictures done. So it was another hair cut for me. Here I am with a big smile in the shower : Check out my new hair do : Today is Maddux's birthday. He is 3 years old. Here is a picture of him when he was a puppy: